i like many types of tabletop games.
Quoridor is an abstract boardgame about reaching the other side of the board. you move, but you can also place walls to delay the opponent, but its not allowed to completely block them. simple clever rules that make complex strategy emerge, which i love. other examples: dodo jam, massif.

i'm working on some board games but who knows when they'll be published.
>tiny games i designed:
16 Beans: 2 players each take 8 beans (or other small palmable object). secretly put all, none, or any number of your beans in one of your hands, and move it forwards closed. both players open their action hand, and whoever put more beans scores a point; first to 5 wins the game. the twist? when you win a point, you must give the difference in beans to the other player!! for example, i play 2 beans, you play 5; you win a point but must give me 3 beans.
5 Sheep In Mind: 2 players, one playes wolf, the other plays sheep. sorry guys gotta go work i'll finish this later